Search Advanced Filters Author - Any -S . Y. PhilipMaarten AalstC. AbadieW. AbouchamiE.P. AchterbergKrishna AchutaraoT.P. AckermanT. AckermanD.K. AdamsD. AdamsA.J. AdcroftA. AdcroftA.J. AdedoyinJ.F. AdkinsB. AeschlimannA. AgatherA. Aguliar-Islaset alJ. AlemánM.A. AlexanderM. AlexanderM.J. AlexanderR. AlleyM.A. AltabetM. AltabetM.A. AltabettK.E. AltieriL.M. AlvesO. AlvesS.-I. AnS. AnSoon-Il AnM. AndersenR.F. AndersonWhit AndersonB. AndersonW. AndersonW.G. AndersonW. AndersonW. AndersonWhit AndersonM. AndreaniF. AnslowAnthoC. ArcherA. ArellanoP.A. AriasPaola AriasN. ArinaminpathyJ. ArrighiJulie ArrighiJulie ArrighiYog AryalY.N. AryalY. AryalR.G. AschY. AstorP. AthanasiadisA. AtwoodAlyssa AtwoodA. AudersetM. AuroT. AzeO. BaarsL. BackJ. BacmeisterM.P. BaconM. BaeckMary BaeckM.L. BaeckJ. BaehrA.R. BakerA. BakerRachel BakerR. BakerR.E. BakerA. BakerD.M. BakerK. BakkerV. BalajiV. BalajiJane BaldwinJ.W. BaldwinJ. BaldwinG. BalsamoG. BareilleC. BarfordC. BarnesClair BarnesB. BarnettJ.-L.M. BarraquetaMarcelo BarreiroM. BarreiroC. BasakM. BaskaranN.R. BatesD.S. BattistiDavid BattistiD. BauchH.K. BeaudoingHiroko BeaudoingJ. Anthony BeesleyJ.A. BeesleyM.K. BehrensD. BehringerA. BellucciAlessio) BellucciM. BenderMorris BenderM.A. BenderLennart BengtssonL. BengtssonR. BensonRusty BensonV. BenzW.M. BerelsonB. BergmanS.M. BernasconiV. BessenbacherVerena BessenbacherR. BettsG. BhatG.S. BhatK. BhatiaM. BiasuttiM. BieliJ. BijmaE. BlackK. BluhmG. BoerG.J. BoerJ.K. BöhlkeG. BohrmannR. BojariuJ. BollmannM. BolotC.T. BoltonNicholas BondN. BondN.A. BondR. BonnetRemy BonnetW. BoosW.R. BoosB. BoothL. BoppS. BordoniS. BorlaceH. BoumanA. BowieK. BowmanJ. BownP. BoydM. BoyeE.A. BoyleP. BraconnotA.A. BradleyA. Allen BradleyA. BradleyAllen BradleyAlan BrammerA. BrammerKeith BranderK.M. BranderJ.A. BrandesP. BranellecG. BranstatorA. BrauerC.S. BrethertonB. BribselaerL. BridgestockT.D. BrienK. BrienG. BrissebratA. BroccoliA.J. BroccoliB. BronselaerB. BronselearE.N.J. BrookshireT. BrowningK.W. BrulandH.-J. BrumsackB.G. BrunelleM. BrzezinskiM.A. BrzezinskiE. BucciarelliC.S. BuckK.N. BuckK. BuesselerA. BullR. BurgmanN.J. BurlsMitchell BushukM BushukM. BushukM. BushukE. ButlerWang C.W. CaiWenju CaiP. CaiS.E. CalvertS. CamargaSuzana CamargoS.J. CamargoS. CamargoS. CamargoI. CamilloniE.C. CampbellG. CaneM.A. CaneD. CaponeD.G. CaponeD. CardinalC. CarlsonL.-P. CaronE. CarpenterG. CarrascoJ.H. CarrilloB.R. CarterN. CasacubertaK.L. CasciottiK. CasciottiJ.R. CaseyC. CassouCassouC. CassouM. CastrillejoF. CauvinJ. ChaiE. ChamizoD. ChanR. ChanceYou-Soon ChangYou-Soon ChangP. ChangY. ChangY.-S. ChangB.X. ChangY.S. ChangM.A. CharetteC.D. CharlesF. ChauvinDaniel ChavasD. ChavasJ.E. ChavesJ. ChavesF. ChavezD.M. Checkley Jr.D. CheckleyG. ChenM.-T. ChenJ. ChenY.-C. ChenT. ChenJ.–H. ChenJan–Huey ChenJ.-H. ChenJ. ChenH. ChengK.-Y. ChengA. CherchiAnnalisa CherchiW.W.L. CheungWilliam CheungF. CheverA.M. ChiodiA. ChiodiK.-Y. ChoiL. ChongS. ChoshX. ChourioM. ChristlT.M. ChurchS.K. ClarkJ. ClementA. ClementA.C. ClementAmy ClementAmy ClementA. ClementI. ClossetK.H. CoaleK.M. CobbD. CockwellC.A.S. CoelhoA.L. CohenA.J. ColbertM. CollinsMat CollinsA. ColmanA.S. ColmanM. ConteT.M. ConwayM. CookM.S. CookWilliam CookeW. CookeWilliam CookeW.F. CookeW. CookeS. CortiD. CossaK.M. CostaD. CoumouH.K. CoxallP. CrootP.L. CrootP.J. CrutzenJ.T. CullenH. CullenHeidi CullenHeidi CullenE.N. CurchitserEnrique CurchitserG.A. CutterJ.D. CybulskiA. DalozA.S. DalozJ.S. DamstéG. DanabasogluC. DanielsS. DawsonH.J. de BaarH.J.W. De BaarA.M. De BoerL. De BrabandereT. de Garidel-ThoronR. De Pol-HolzG.F. De SouzaH. De VriesT.M. DeCarloF. DehairsA.D. Del GenioA. Del GenioT. DelsoleT. DelworthThomas DelworthThomas DelworthT. DelworthT.L. DelworthT.L. DelworthThomas DelworthF. DengX DengX. DengG. DeplazesM. DequeClara DeserC. DeserJ.B. DessyC. DeutschManish DhasmanaH.T. DieuN. DiffenbaughP.J. DifiorePedro DiNezioP.N. DiNezioP. DinezioT. DippeK.W. DisconG.R. DiTullioK. DixonK. DixonK. DixonA. DobbinF. Doblas-ReyesE.M. DodasT. DoiD. DommengetJeffrey DonnellyB. DugganG. DulaquaisP. DulskiC. DumousseaudR.B. DunbarJ.P. DunneJohn DunneN. DunstoneN.N. DupreyJ. DwyerJ.G. DwyerC.M. EakinC. EakinK. EbiY. Echegoyen-SanzR.L. EdwardsR. Lawrence EdwardsG. EglintonT.I. EglintonK.K. EllisM. EllwoodJ. ElsnerKerry EmanuelK. EmanuelKerry EmanuelK.A. EmanuelK. EmanuelEmanyuelJulien Emile-GeayK. EmmanuelM. EnglandM.H. EnglandM. ErbM.P. ErbD.V. ErlerO. EsperRyan EusebiJ.P. EvesonJ. EvesonE. FahrbachY. FangS.E. FawcettA.V. FedorovD. FeredayL. FerrantiA. FioreA.M. FioreG. FischerAlbert FischerA.S. FischerJ.N. FitzsimmonsJ. FitzsimmonsA. Russell FlegalM.Q. FleisherM. FleisherM.L. FogelGregory FoltzG.R. FoltzM. ForbesJ. ForielV.M. FranckR. FrançoisM. FrankK. FrankowiakP. FratantoniP.S. FratantoniJ. FriedrichMajorie FriedrichsM.A.M. FriedrichsF. FripiatH. FrölljeB. FryX. FuQ. FuS. FueglistalerStephan FueglistalerS. GadgilM.A. GaertnerM. GaertnerJ. GagnonS. GaichasJ.-F. GaillardC.F. GaitanM. GalanterE.D. GalbraithS.J.G. GalerJ.N. GallowayT. GamoAlexandre GanachaudA. GanachaudR.S. GaneshramA. GanopolskiK. GaoManuel GaonaM. GaonaManuel GaonaManuel GaonaM. GaonaM. GaonaJ. Garcia-OrellanaE. Garcia-SolsonaStephen GarnerStephen GarnerS. GarnerS. GarnerS.T. GarnerM. Gault-RingoldM. GehlenW. GeibertE. GeorgeRudiger GerdesR. GerdesL.J.A. GerringaR. GersondeJ. GhoshS. GhoshA. GianniniK.A. GibsonM. GilbertN. GillettP. GinouxP. GinouxF.E. GiraultC.F. GiuliviC. GiuliviA. GnanadesikanAnand GnanadesikanA.R. GobelL. GoddardJ.M. GodoyS.L. GoldsteinS.R. GonzalezS. GonzalezJ.J. González-AlemánAvantika GoriA. GoriR. GoskaA.M. GothmannR. GradingerN. GrahamN.T. GrahamJ. GrangerR.J. GreatbatchR. GreatbatchBryan GrenfellB. GrenfellB.T. GrenfellS.M. GriffiesS. GriffiesS. GriffiesStephen GriffiesK. GrissomE. GrossteffanThe GroupN. GruberSilvio GualdiS. GualdiRichard GudgelR. GudgelRich GudgelRich GudgelR.G. GudgelR. GudgelR. GudgelR. GudgelR. GudgelL. GudmundssonLukas GudmundssonI. GuendelmanE. GuilyardiEric GuilyardiD. GüntherJ. Gutierrez-FernandezJ.S. HaaseJ. HaaseJan HafnerJ. HafnerM.P. HainGregory HakimA. HallRobert HallbergR. HallbergMelissa HaltuchM.A. HaltuchM.A HaltuchY. HamannC. HammerschmidtD.E. HammondG. HanR. HanS. HankinJonathan HareJ.A. HareJ. HareNili HarnikN. HarnikL.J. HarringtonLuke HarringtonL. HarrisL.M. HarrisLucas HarrisL. HarrisP.J. HarrisonMatthew HarrisonD.E. HarrisonD. HarrisonE. HarrisonM.J. HarrisonM. HarrisonB.E. HarropA. HartmanJ.R. HartogHartogA.P. HasenfratzC.S. HasslerM.G. HastingsE.C. HathorneM. HattaM. HattaaG.H. HaugF.A. HaumannMathias HauserM. HauserK. HausteinKarsten HausteinKarsten HausteinN. HawcoE. HawkinsC.T. HayesJie HeJ. HeJie HeJ. HeR.J. HealyD. HebbelnL.O. HedinG. HegerlL.-E. HeimbürgerD. HeinrichDorothy HeinrichIsaac HeldI. HeldIsaac HeldI. HeldI.M. HeldJ. HelgoeM. HellerM.I. HellerG.M. HendersonP.B. HendersonG. HendersonN. HendersonT.D. HerbertL. HermansonL. HermansonJ.A. HigginsA. HilkertS.K. HinesM. HirschiMartin HirschiM.B. HirstR. HoP. HoA.J. HobdayA. HobdayD.A. HodellK. HodgesK. HodgesD.L.R. HodsonS. HoffmannAllison HogikyanA.B. HollowedAnne HollowedR.M. HolmesK. HolsmanC.S. HongRaleigh HoodR.R. HoodM. HooshyarM. HornM.G. HornT.J. HornerL.W. HorowitzL. HorowitzLarry HorowitzLarry HorowitzLarry HorowitzR. HortonR.M. HortonB.Z. HoultonR. HowardD. HrrisonTsung-Lin HsiehTsung-Lin HsiehY.-T. HsiehT.-L. HsiehZ.-Z. HuZ. HuHuei-Ping HuangS. HuangK.-F. HuangH.-P. HuangB.J. HuebertK.A. HughenP.M. HullM.P. HumphreysWilliam HurlinW.J. HurlinP. HuybersE.J. IIIY. ImadaJ. ImbersP. IrvineK. IsshikiCarton J.A.C. JablonowskiS.L. JaccardJ.K. JacksonTess JacobsonT.W.P. JacobsonJ.E. JacquotS. JainY.H. JangD.J. JanssenA. JayakumarC. JeandelW.J. JenkinsO.P. JensenA. JentzenRoshan JhaQ. JiL. JiaJiaLiwei JiaLiwei JiaX. JiaX. JiangF.-F. JinF. JinFei-Fei JinRenzhi JingR. JingMarkus JochumM. JochumS. JohnK.S. JohnsonN. JohnsonN.C. JohnsonNathaniel JohnsonB.J. JohnsonJ.A. JonasJ. JonasE.M. JonesJ.L. JonesL. JonkersB.F. JönssonM. JoshiF.D.C. JuniorD.C. KadkoJ. KaiserA. KaltenbaughS.-J. KaoI.C. KaplanI. KaplanS. KapnickS.B. KapnickSarah KapnickS. KapnickS. KapnickSarah KapnickAditi KapoorD. KarlD.M. KarlK. KarshK.L. KarshA. KarspeckA.R. KarspeckA. KarspeckM. KashgarianE.R. KastR. KayserL. KeigwinL.D. KeigwinD. KeithM. KelleyP.C. KemenyT.C. KennaS. KewS. KewSarah KewS.F. KewB.-K. KhimR. KhondokerA. KhouakhiT. KieferM. KienastD. KimDaehyun KimK. KimH.S. KimH.-S. KimH. KimT. KimK.-M. KimM. KimotoL. KippBen KirtmanBenjamin KirtmanB. KirtmanB.P. KirtmanB. KirtmanB. KirtmanM.V. KitaharaJ.K. KlarH.F. KleivenM. KlunderA.N. KnappThomas KnutsonT.R. KnutsonT. KnutsonR. KnuttiA.C. KöberleS. KopfS.H. KopfR. KoppRobert KoppR.E. KoppGerbrand KorenG. KorenGrace KortumY. KosakaJ. KossinJ. KossinA.M.L. KraepielW. KrajewskiW.F. KrajewskiS. KretschmerLakshmi KrishnamurthyL. KrishnamurthyL. Krisnamurthy. KristiansenT. KristiansenK. KriteeZ. KuangM. KučeraJ.-S. KugJ. KugG. KuhnY. KumamotoArun KumarA. KumarYochanan KushnirY. KushnirA.B. KustkaE.Y. KwonT. La RowP. LaanM. LabatutL.D. LabeyrieF. LacanG. Lacrampe-CouloumeChing-Yao LaiC. LajP.J. LamM. LambeletC.H. LamborgF. LamyW.M. LandingChristopher LandseaC.W. LandseaChristopher LandseaC. LandseaD. LannuzelT. LarowT.E. LaRowT. LaRowN. LauN.-C. LauNgar-Cheung LauW.K.M. LauD.A. LaversD LaversK.T. LawrenceD.J.P. LawrenceF. Le MoigneF.A.C. Le MoigneE. Le RoyD.W. LeaO.J. LechtenfeldSang-Ki LeeTony LeeT. LeeC.-Y. LeeJ.-M. LeeH.-C. LeeS.-K. LeeA. LeeHyun-Chul LeeAnts LeetmaaA. LeetmaaL. LefticariuS.J. LehmanM.M. LehmannM.F. LehmannF. LehnerPatrick LehodeyP. LehodeyM.J. LengM. LengaigneMatthieu LengaigneR. LetelierL.R. LeungS.A. LevinSimon LevinH. LevyP. LherminierT. LiShan LiCuihua LiS. LiSihan LiSihan LiSihan LiC. LiMing LiW. LiM. LiZhi LiangZ. LiangY. LimY.-K. LimY. LimNing LinS. LinXiaopei LinShian-Jiann LinN. LinP. LinS.-J. LinS. LinX. LinB. LinJ.S. LinkJason LinkJ.A. LippoldF. LipschultzC. LittleS. LittleC.M. LittleJ. LiuMaofeng LiuQinyu LiuZhengyu LiuQ. LiuZ. LiuC. LiuMaofeng LiuM. LiuL. LledoIan LloydI.D. LloydJoseph LockwoodJ.W. LockwoodM. LohanM.C. LohanB. Sherwood LollarM.W. LomasL. LongL.N. LongL. LongM. López-LoraM.J. LoureyLv LuJian LuJ. LuY. LuL. LuJ LuY. LuaA. LückgeJ. Lueders-DumontJ.A. Lueders-DumontD.J. LuetDavid LuetB. LuitelB. LuitelV. LuuL. LuuV.H. LuuP. LynchJian MaJ. MaK.R.M. MackeyC. MacLachlanI. MahlsteinA.S. MahmudA. MahmudM.T. MaldonadoSergey MalyshevS. MalyshevA MankeA. MankeB. MapesF. MarcantonioV. MarcheziniT. MarchokD. MarconiPereira MarghidanCarolina MarghidanS. MargulisSteven MargulisS.A. MargulisJ. MarshallW.R. MartinA. Martínez-GarcíaE.S.P.R. MartinsT.A. MashiottaM.A. MaslinP. MasqueG. MasséD. MateiK. MatsumotoE. MawjiA. MazaudM. MazurC.R. McclainJ.W. McClellandD.C. McCorkleK. McHughM.R. McIlvinJ.F. McManusD. McNeallM. McPhadenM.J. McphadenM. McphadenMichael McPhadenD.L. McRoseC. MeasuresA.N. MecklerB. MedeirosG.A. MeehlG. MeehlS. MehicA. MeibomJ. MeillandS. MenemenlisT.M. MerlisW. MerryfieldJ. MetcalfJessica MetcalfC. MetcalfC.J. MetcalfC.J.E. MetcalfJessica MetcalfR.D. MethotR. MethotR. MethotA. MichaelsE. MichelR. MichenerR. MiddagS. MieruchJ. MignotH.-S. MiiT.J. MillerT. MillerP.C.D. MillyP. MillyA. MilneT. MinamiY. MingJ. MingramE. MischellE. Mitchell-LarsonJ. MoffettJ.W. MoffettG. MoncoiffeArpita MondalY. MoonYumin MoonW.S. MooreP.C. MorL.V. MoralesZ. MoranR. MorardC.W. MordyF.M.M. MorelS. MorinP.J. MorrisZ.M. MorseP.L. MortonRym MsadekR. MsadekR. MsadekA. MucciB. MuhlingW.A. MullerF. Muller-KargerÁngel MuñozA. MunozÁ.G. MuñozÁngel MuñozHiroyuki MurakamiH. MurakamiH. MurakamiHiroyuki MurakamiH. MurakamiV. MurtyV.S.N. MurtyNaomi NaikN. NaikP. NajeraY. NakaguchiN. NakayamaNavarraAntonio NavarraA. NavarraA. NavidadJ.A. NeedobaD. NeelinJ.F.W. NegendankJ.D. NewboldChing NgChing NgC.H.J. NgC. NgJ. NiedermillerB. NielsenJ. NishiokaA. NishiuchiA. NobleGiang NongG. NongN.R. NowaczykF. NuruzzamanT. O'BrienK O'BrienJ. O'SullivanH. ObataS. OberD.C. OhnemusS. OleynikT.C. OnstottK. OouchiMichael OppenheimerM. OppenheimerD.W. OppoM. OpppenheimerT. OseF. OttoFriederike OttoFriederike OttoFriederike OttoF.E.L. OttoF. OttoB.L. Otto-BliesnerB. Otto-BliesnerJ.T. OverpeckS. OwensR.C. PacanowskiRonald PacanowskiH. PaerlKaren PaffendorfK. PaffendorfE. PageEric PageK. PahnkeM. PanS. PantojaS.W. ParkS. PascaleC. PatricolaC.M. PatricolaM. PaulF. PaviaM.R. PayneD. PaynterDavid PaynterD. PeanoDaniele) PeanoT.F. PedersenK.V. PegionK. PegionKathleen PegionL.D. PenaX. PengP. PengA. PershingA.J. PetersB. PetersB.J. PetersonL.C. PetersonSjoukje PhilipS.Y. PhilipS. PhilipC. PilskalnM.L. PinskyI. PintoIzidine PintoV.E. PitzerV. PitzerF. PlanchonH. PlanquetteJ.E. PleadwellB. PlessenH. PohlmannA. PorporatoScott PowerS. PowerS.B. PowerC. PradouxM. PratherL.M. PrattC.J. PrideC. PrideM. ProkopekoM.G. ProkopenkoV. PuigcorbéP. QuayP. QuayaF. QueroueF. QuillévéréF. QuinteroA. RadicP.A. RafterEmmanuel RajuE. RajuG.H. RauS. RauschenbergA.C. RaveloM. RavichandranS. RayR. RaymondD. RaymondL.J. RaymundoC.J.C. ReasonK.A. ReedK. ReedK. ReedM. RehkämperThomas ReichlerT. ReichlerR. RemberT. RemenyiH.-L. RenH. RenD.J. RepetaJ.A. ResingLaure ResplandyRichJ. RickliM. RieneckerS. RigaudC.A. RiihimakiM.J.A. RijkenbergD.H. RindS. RintoulManuel RiosS.C. RiserJ.A. RiveraJuan RiveraM. RobertsA. RobertsonA.W. RobertsonL.F. RobinsonR. RobinsonR.S. RobinsonJ. RobsonM. Roca-MartíT. RöckmannM. RodellMatthew RodellC. RodellV. RodellasT. RoeskeM.M. RohdeU. RöhlJ.M. RolisonR.D. RomeaR. RomeaAnthony RosatiAnthony RosatiA.J. RosatiA. RosatiRosatiT. RosatiA. RosatiA. RosatiAnthony RosatiKenneth RoseK.A. RoseA. Rosell-MeleM. RosenbergY. RosenthalS. RoshanAndrew RossA.C. RossA. RoychoudhuryF. RubachM. RugensteinJ.L. RussellJoellen RussellJ. RussellE. RyabenkoRyan RykaczewskiR.R. RykaczewskiT.A. RynearsonXie S.P.V.S. SabaVincent SabaV. SabaA.J.M. SabadelJ.P. SachsFahad SaeedM.A. SaitoL. SaltL.A. SaltK. SalviR.N. SambrottoJ.F. SamhouriSamhouriBonita SamuelsB.L. SamuelsV. SanialE.P.D. SantosA. SantosaA. SantosoA. SantosoS.A. Sañudo-WilhelmyR. SaravananJorge SarmientoJ.L. SarmientoM. SarntheinA. SarrG. SarthouJ. SavarinoA.A. ScaifeA. ScaifeC. SchallenbergC. SchärU. SchauerS.R. ScheffersJ.-K.E. SchemmJ SchemmJ.E. SchemmJ. SchemmBenjamin SchenkelBenjamin SchenkelB.A. SchenkelB. SchenkelH. ScherG. SchettlerR. SchiebelR. SchlitzerC. SchlosserE. SchneiderB. SchnetgerS. SchubertS. SchubertS.D. SchubertC.J. SchubertS. SchubertD.L. SchumacherDominik SchumacherD. SchumacherE.A.G. SchuurFranklin SchwingF.B. SchwingE. ScoccimarroE. ScoccimarroEnrico ScoccimarroP. ScottRichard SeagerR. SeagerA. SebastianAntonia SebastianAntonia SebastianP.N. SedwickR. SeferianI. SemiletovSonia SeneviratneS.I. SeneviratneS. SeneviratneS. SernoY.L. SerrY. SerrYolanda SerraY. SerraL. ShaD.A. ShaevitzD. ShaevitzR. ShelleyB.O. ShepherdR.M. SherrellElena ShevliakovaE. ShevliakovaA.M. ShillerH.C. ShinD. SiS. SiedleckiSiedleckiD.N. SigmanD. SigmanD.M. SigmanT.L.D.V. SilvaB.J. SilverM. SilvernagelZ.C. SimsD.J. SinclairR. SinghRoop SinghR.K. SinghRoop SinghRoop SinghR. SinghS.K. SinghB. SinghJ. SirutisJoseph SirutisJoseph SirutisJ.J. SirutisH.A. SlagterL.J. SlaterL. SlaterL. SlaterE. SlaterS.M. SmartW. SmethieW.M. SmethieJames SmithJames SmithG.J. SmithD. SmithJ. SmithJ.A. SmithJames SmithH. SnaithA. SobelAdam SobelA.H. SobelBrian SodenBrian SodenBrian SodenBrian SodenBrian SodenB.J. SodenBrian SodenB. SodenB. SodenBrian SodenY. SohrinB. SohstS. SolomonE.G. SolsonaQian SongQ. SongJ.E. SonkeA.A. SörenssonAnna SörenssonJ.R. SouthonJ. SouthonS. SpeichMichael SpelmanM.J. SpelmanH.J. SperoC.M. SpillmanSpillmanL. StalP.W. StatenP. StatenE.J. SteigR. SteinfeldtBill SternW. SternB. SternW. SternW SternW.F. SternG. StewartA.M. Stewart-IbarraA. Stewart-IbarraT. StichelC.H. StirlingL. StirnimannCharles StockC. StockC.A. StockJ. StolarskiD.A. StolperRonald StoufferR.J. StoufferM. StraubS. StrazzoJ. StrongJ. StrongJ.D.O. StrongA.S. StuderR. StullS. SturmJ. StutsmanZ. SuYibing SuA. SubramanianRichard SullivanJingru SunJ. SunR. SuttonG.E.A. SwannKyle SwansonK.L. SwansonG.J. SwarrColm SweeneyC.O. SweeneyJ.H. SwiftJ. SyktusA. TagliabueK. TakahashiS. TakahashiY. TakayaE. TappaRobert TardifHaiyan TengH. TengL. ThalheimerLisa ThalheimerB. ThamdrupArulalan ThanigachalamM.H. ThiemensH.R. ThiersteinL.M. ThöleS.J. ThomallaA. ThomasP.D. ThompsonP.A. ThompsonD.W.J. ThompsonM. ThomsonM.C. ThomsonK. ThorneR. ThunellR.C. ThunellD. TianR. TiedemannC.P. TillR. TillA. TimmermannAxel TimmermannMingfang TingM. TingM. TippettM.K. TippettJ.-L. TisonJ.R. ToggweilerD. TommasiE.M. TompkinsMingjing TongP.D. TortellA.T. TownsendE. TownsendA. Townsend-SmallJ. TradowskyL.A. TreibergsJ.-E. TremblayM.M. TremblayT.W. TrullU. TsunogaiR. TuerenaR. TuleyaRobert TuleyaR.E. TuleyaB.S. TwiningO. UlloaS. UnderwoodSeth UnderwoodS.D. UnderwoodSeth UnderwoodS. UnderwoodSeth UnderwoodS. UnderwoodUnderwoodMaja VahlbergM. VahlbergM. van AalstH.M. van AkenP. van BeekT. van de FlierdtM.R. Van Der LoeffM.M. van der LoeffP. van der MerweKarin Van Der WielK. Van Der WielKarin van der WielA. van GeenPeter van HengstumS. van HeuvenG. Van OldenborghG. van OldenborghJan Van OldenborghGeert van OldenborghG.J. Van OldenborghGeert van OldenborghG. Van OldenborghG. Jan Van OldenborghJ. van OoijenN. Van OostendeP. Van RenschE. van WeerleeD. VanceR. VarelaRobert VautardR. VautardGabriel VecchiG. VecchiGabriel VecchiG.A. VecchiGabriel VecchiG. VecchiG. VecchiGabriel VecchiS. VelazquezJennifer VelezJ. VelezC. VenchiaruttiD. VerschurenJerome VialardJ. VialardC. ViboudLuigi VidaleP.L. VidaleM. Villa-AlfagemeGabriele VillariniG. VillariniG. VillariniG. VillariniGabriele VillariniS.M. VivancosA.H.L. VoelkerH.B. VonhofL. WackerC.E. WagnerC. WagnerB. WakeElizabeth WallaceK.J.E. WalshK. WalshK. WalshHui WangG. WangChenggong WangY. WangChenggong WangC. WangH.-J. WangT.X. WangX.T. WangH. WangW. WangB. WardB.B. WardM.J. WarnerM. WatanabeR. WatsonR.S. WebbM.F. WehnerM. WehnerM. WehnerM. 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ZhangXuefeng ZhangRong-Hua ZhangE.J. ZhangE. ZhangS. ZhangW. ZhangB. ZhangBosong ZhangWei ZhangBosong ZhangR. ZhangL. ZhangH. ZhangG. ZhangX. ZhangX ZhangR.-H. ZhangRong ZhangMing ZhaoMing ZhaoY. ZhaoM. ZhaoMing ZhaoL. ZhengX.-Y. ZhengXiao-Tong ZhengX.-T. ZhengL. ZhouJiang ZhuJ. ZhuM. ZieringerL.A. ZimmerP. ZiveriP. ZuidemaP. ZuninoC. Zurbrick Type - Any -BookBook ChapterJournal ArticleMiscellaneous Year - Any -20242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062004200320022001200019991997 Keyword - Any -air pollutantair-sea interactionanomaliesanthropogenic effectclimate effectclimate forcingfloodinganthropogenic effectsarcticarctic oscillationArgoAtlantic Oceanatmosphereatmosphere - ocean interactionatmosphere-land interactionatmosphere-ocean interactionatmospheric boundaryatmospheric circulationAtmospheric dynamicsatmospheric pressureAtmospheric temperature; Cell proliferation; Hurricanes; Submarine geophysics; Surface properties; Surface waters; TropicsAttributionBaroclinic instability Climate change El Niño Hadley circulation ITCZ Thermal windBasin-scaleBay of BengalbuoysClimate and Earth system modellingclimate changeClimate change; General circulation models; Hurricanes/typhoons; Stochastic modelsclimate classification/regimesclimate feedbackclimate impactsclimate modelclimate modelingclimate modelsclimate variabilityclimate variationClimatic changescloud feedbackcloudsconvectionconvectiveConvective Aggregationcoolingcorrectioncoupled modelscoupled ocean-atmosphere mechanismsCOVID-19 | RSV | influenza | nonpharmaceutical interventionscyclone genesiscyclone genesis sea surface temperatureCyclone Nargiscyclone variabilitydata homogeneityDatabasesdecadal variabilitydownscalingdroughtdynamicsEastern equatorialeddyEl NiñoEl Niño Southern Oscillationemergent constraintensemblesENSOepidemicequilibrium climateevolutionextratropical transitionextreme eventsExtreme PrecipitationfeedbackFisheriesfloodsforcingforecastingGCMgeneral circulation modelsgeostationary satellitesglobal climate modelsGRACEGreehouse gasesgreenhouse gasesHadley cellheatheat fluxhurricanehurricaneshydrological cyclehydrometeorologyIndian OceanIndian Ocean DipoleindicesIndOOSinfectious diseaseinstrumentationinterannual variabilityinterdecadal variabilityIPCC-AR4 climate modelsLa Nina-likelarge-scalelarge-scale climatelarge-scale motionsLGMmadden-Julian oscillationmixed layermodel evaluation/performanceNatural hazardsNorth Americanorth atlantic oceanNorth Atlantic Oscillationnoteocean circulationocean colorocean heat uptake efficiencyocean modelsocean ocean modelsocean salinityocean stratificationOcean-atmosphere interactionoceanographyprecipitationprecipitation-radarPrecipitation; Climate models; Model errorspredictabilitypredictionpriority journalproxyRadiative Couplingradiative forcingradiative heatingrainfallrapid intensificationregional effectsRSVSatellite altimetrysea iceSea level budgetsea surface salinity; upper ocean response; tropical cyclone; SMAP; SMOS; Aquarius; Argosea surface temperaturesea surface temperaturesseasonal cycleseasonal forecastseasonal predictabilityseasonalitysnowsocioeconomic impactsoil moisturesolar heatingSouthern OscillationSouthern South America · Heatwave · Attribution · Impacts · Vulnerabilitysouthwest dryingstatic stabilitystatistical forecastingstatistical techniquesstatisticsstorm surgestormsstratosphere-troposphere couplingstream flowstreamflowsubtropical dry zoneteleconnectionstemperaturetemperature distributionthermoclinethermocline circulationtrendstropical cyclonetropical cyclone rainfallTropical cyclone; Rapid intensification; Seasonal predictability; North Atlantictropical cyclonestropical Pacifictropical precipitationtropical stormsTropical variabilitytropicstwenty first centurytyphoon; maritime continent; precipitation; tropical cyclonetyphoonsvalidationvolcanic eruptionsWalker circulationwarm poolwarm poolswater wavesweather forecastingwet depositionwindwind stresszonal flow AuthorTitleTypeYear DescendingAscending 276 Publications 2024 Baker, R.E., W. Yang, G.A. Vecchi, and S. Takahashi. 2024. “Increasing Intensity of Enterovirus Outbreaks Projected With Climate Change”. Nature Communications 15. Nature Research. doi:10.1038/s41467-024-50936-3. Mischell, E., B. Soden, B. Zhang, T.-L. Hsieh, and G. Vecchi. 2024. “Why Does Atmospheric Radiative Heating Weaken Midlatitude Cyclones?”. Geophysical Research Letters 51. John Wiley and Sons Inc. doi:10.1029/2024GL110754. Hsieh, T.-L., G.A. Vecchi, C. Wang, W. Yang, B. Zhang, and B.J. Soden. 2024. “Dependence of Tropical Cyclone Seeds and Climate Sensitivity on Tropical Cloud Response”. Science Advances 10. American Association for the Advancement of Science. doi:10.1126/sciadv.adi2779. Junior, F.D.C. Vasconcelos, M. Zachariah, T.L.D.V. Silva, E.P.D. Santos, C.A.S. Coelho, L.M. Alves, E.S.P.R. Martins, et al. 2024. “An Attribution Study of Very Intense Rainfall Events in Eastern Northeast Brazil”. Weather and Climate Extremes 45. Elsevier B.V. doi:10.1016/j.wace.2024.100699. Menemenlis, S., G.A. Vecchi, K. Gao, J.A. Smith, and K.-Y. Cheng. 2024. “Extreme Rainfall Risk in Hurricane Ida’s Extratropical Stage: An Analysis With Convection-Permitting Ensemble Hindcasts”. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 81. American Meteorological Society: 1165-79. doi:10.1175/JAS-D-23-0160.1. Merlis, T.M., K.-Y. Cheng, I. Guendelman, L. Harris, C.S. Bretherton, M. Bolot, L. Zhou, et al. 2024. “Climate Sensitivity and Relative Humidity Changes in Global Storm-Resolving Model Simulations of Climate Change”. Science Advances 10. American Association for the Advancement of Science. doi:10.1126/sciadv.adn5217. Harrop, B.E., J. Lu, L.R. Leung, W.K.M. Lau, K.-M. Kim, B. Medeiros, B.J. Soden, G.A. Vecchi, B. Zhang, and B. Singh. 2024. “An Overview of Cloud-Radiation Denial Experiments for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model Version 1”. Geoscientific Model Development 17. Copernicus Publications: 3111-35. doi:10.5194/gmd-17-3111-2024. Schumacher, D.L., M. Zachariah, F. Otto, C. Barnes, S. Philip, S. Kew, M. Vahlberg, et al. 2024. “Detecting the Human Fingerprint in the Summer 2022 Western-Central European Soil Drought”. Earth System Dynamics 15. Copernicus Publications: 131-54. doi:10.5194/esd-15-131-2024. Arias, P.A., J.A. Rivera, A.A. Sörensson, M. Zachariah, C. Barnes, S. Philip, S. Kew, et al. 2024. “Interplay Between Climate Change and Climate Variability: The 2022 Drought in Central South America”. Climatic Change 177. Springer Science and Business Media B.V. doi:10.1007/s10584-023-03664-4. Kortum, Grace, Gabriel A. Vecchi, Tsung-Lin Hsieh, and Wenchang Yang. 2024. “Influence of Weather and Climate on Multidecadal Trends in Atlantic Hurricane Genesis and Tracks”. Journal of Climate. American Meteorological Society. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0088.1. Eusebi, Ryan, Gabriel A. Vecchi, Ching-Yao Lai, and Mingjing Tong. 2024. “Realistic Tropical Cyclone Wind and Pressure Fields Can Be Reconstructed from Sparse Data Using Deep Learning”. Communications Earth and Environment. Nature Publishing Group. doi:10.1038/s43247-023-01144-2. Hogikyan, Allison, Laure Resplandy, Maofeng Liu, and Gabriel Vecchi. 2024. “Hydrological Cycle Amplification Reshapes Warming-Driven Oxygen Loss in the Atlantic Ocean”. Nature Climate Change. Nature Research. doi:10.1038/s41558-023-01897-w. Yang, Wenchang, Elizabeth Wallace, Gabriel A. Vecchi, Jeffrey P. Donnelly, Julien Emile-Geay, Gregory J. Hakim, Larry W. Horowitz, et al. (2024) 2024. “Last Millennium Hurricane Activity Linked to Endogenous Climate Variability”. Nature Communications 15 (816). doi:10.1038/s41467-024-45112-6. 2023 Arias, Paola A. (2025) 2023. “Interplay Between Climate Change and Climate Variability: The 2022 Drought in Central South America”. Climatic Change 177: 6. doi:10.1007/s10584-023-03664-4. Schumacher, Dominik, Mariam Zachariah, Friederike Otto, Clair Barnes, Sjoukje Philip, Sarah Kew, Maja Vahlberg, et al. 2023. “Detecting the Human Fingerprint in the Summer 2022 West-Central European Soil Drought”. doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-717. Zachariah, Mariam, Arulalan Thanigachalam, Krishna Achutarao, Fahad Saeed, Roshan Jha, Manish Dhasmana, Arpita Mondal, et al. 2023. “Attribution of 2022 Early-Spring Heatwave in India and Pakistan to Climate Change: Lessons in Assessing Vulnerability and Preparedness in Reducing Impacts”. Environmental Research: Climate 2. doi:10.1088/2752-5295/acf4b6. Rivera, Juan Antonio, Paola A. Arias, Anna A. Sörensson, Mariam Zachariah, Clair Barnes, Sjoukje Philip, Sarah Kew, et al. (2023) 2023. “2022 early‑summer Heatwave in Southern South America: 60 Times More Likely Due to Climate Change”. Climatic Change 176 (103). doi:10.1007/s10584-023-03576-3. Schenkel, Benjamin A., Daniel Chavas, Ning Lin, Thomas Knutson, Gabriel Vecchi, and Alan Brammer. (2023) 2023. “North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Outer Size and Structure Remain Unchanged by the Late Twenty-First Century”. Journal of Climate 36. Boston MA, USA: American Meteorological Society: 359-82. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0066.1. Hsieh, Tsung-Lin, Bosong Zhang, Wenchang Yang, Gabriel A. Vecchi, Ming Zhao, Brian J. Soden, and Chenggong Wang. (2023) 2023. “The Influence of Large-Scale Radiation Anomalies on Tropical Cyclone Frequency”. Journal of Climate. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0449.1. Smith, James A., Mary Lynn Baeck, Yibing Su, Maofeng Liu, and Gabriel A. Vecchi. (2023) 2023. “Strange Storms: Rainfall Extremes From the Remnants of Hurricane Ida (2021) in the Northeastern US”. Water Resources Research 59: e2022WR033934. doi:10.1029/2022WR033934. Zhang, Bosong, Brian J. Soden, and Gabriel A. Vecchi. (2023) 2023. “A Vertically Resolved Analysis of Radiative Feedbacks on Moist Static Energy Variance in Tropical Cyclones”. Journal of Climate 36 (4): 1125-41. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0199.1. Liu, Maofeng, Brian J. Soden, Gabriel A. Vecchi, and Chenggong Wang. 2023. “The Spread of Ocean Heat Uptake Efficiency Traced to Ocean Salinity”. Geophysical Research Letters 50: e2022GL100171. doi:10.1029/2022GL100171. 2022 Bhatia, K., A. Baker, W. Yang, G. Vecchi, T. Knutson, H. Murakami, J. Kossin, et al. 2022. “Author Correction: A Potential Explanation for the Global Increase in Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification.”. Nature Communications 13. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-35497-7. . Y. Philip, S, S. F. Kew, G. J. van Oldenborgh, F. S. Anslow, S. I. Seneviratne, R. Vautard, D. Coumou, et al. (2022) 2022. “Rapid Attribution Analysis of the Extraordinary Heat Wave on the Pacific Coast of the US and Canada in June 2021”. Earth System Dynamics 13: 1689–1713. doi:10.5194/esd-13-1689-2022. Bhatia, K., A. Baker, W. Yang, G. Vecchi, T.R. Knutson, H. Murakami, J. Kossin, et al. (2022) 2022. “A Potential Explanation for the Global Increase in Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification”. Nature Communications 13: 6626. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-34321-6. Hsieh, T.-L., W. Yang, G. Vecchi, and M. Zhao. (2022) 2022. “Model Spread in the Tropical Cyclone Frequency and Seed Propensity Index Across Global Warming and ENSO-Like Perturbations”. Geophysical Research Letters 49. John Wiley and Sons Inc. doi:10.1029/2021GL097157. Lockwood, J.W., M. Oppenheimer, N. Lin, R.E. Kopp, G. Vecchi, and A. Gori. (2022) 2022. “Correlation Between Sea-Level Rise and Aspects of Future Tropical Cyclone Activity in CMIP6 Models”. Earth S Future 10. John Wiley and Sons Inc. doi:10.1029/2021EF002462. Liu, M., J.A. Smith, L. Yang, and G. Vecchi. (2022) 2022. “Tropical Cyclone Flooding in the Carolinas”. Journal of Hydrometeorology 23. American Meteorological Society: 53-70. doi:10.1175/JHM-D-21-0113.1. 2021 Baldwin, J.W., A. R. Atwood, G. Vecchi, and D.S. Battisti. (2021) 2021. “Outsized Influence of Central American Orography on Global Climate”. AGU Advances 2 (2). doi:10.1029/2020AV000343. Sun, J., G. Vecchi, and B. Soden. 2021. “Sea Surface Salinity Response to Tropical Cyclones Based on Satellite Observations”. Remote Sensing 13. MDPI AG. doi:10.3390/rs13030420. Zhang, B., B.J. Soden, G. Vecchi, and W. Yang. 2021. “The Role of Radiative Interactions in Tropical Cyclone Development under Realistic Boundary Conditions”. Journal of Climate 34. American Meteorological Society: 2079-91. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0574.1. Sobel, A.H., A.A. Wing, S.J. Camargo, C.M. Patricola, G. Vecchi, C.-Y. Lee, and M.K. Tippett. (2021) 2021. “Tropical Cyclone Frequency”. Earth’s Future 9. John Wiley and Sons Inc. doi:10.1029/2021EF002275. Jing, R., N. Lin, K. Emanuel, G. Vecchi, and T.R. Knutson. (2021) 2021. “A Comparison of Tropical Cyclone Projections in a High-Resolution Global Climate Model and from Downscaling by Statistical and Statistical-Deterministic Methods”. Journal of Climate 34. American Meteorological Society: 9349-64. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0071.1. Vecchi, G., C. Landsea, W. Zhang, G. Villarini, and T.R. Knutson. (2021) 2021. “Changes in Atlantic Major Hurricane Frequency since the Late-19th Century”. Nature Communications 12. Nature Research. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-24268-5. Baker, R.E., W. Yang, G. Vecchi, C.J.E. Metcalf, and B.T. Grenfell. (2021) 2021. “Assessing the Influence of Climate on Wintertime SARS-CoV-2 Outbreaks”. Nature Communications 12. Nature Research. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-20991-1. Zhang, B., B.J. Soden, G. Vecchi, and W. Yang. (2021) 2021. “Investigating the Causes and Impacts of Convective Aggregation in a High Resolution Atmospheric GCM”. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 13. John Wiley and Sons Inc. doi:10.1029/2021MS002675. Sun, J., G. Vecchi, and B.J. Soden. 2021. “Influence of Vertical Wind Shear on the Ocean Response to Tropical Cyclones Based on Satellite Observations”. Geophysical Research Letters 48. John Wiley and Sons Inc. doi:10.1029/2021GL095451. Yang, W., T.-L. Hsieh, and G. Vecchi. 2021. “Hurricane Annual Cycle Controlled by Both Seeds and Genesis Probability”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118. National Academy of Sciences. doi:10.1073/pnas.2108397118. Liu, M., G. Vecchi, B. Soden, W. Yang, and B. Zhang. 2021. “Enhanced Hydrological Cycle Increases Ocean Heat Uptake and Moderates Transient Climate Change”. Nature Climate Change 11. Nature Research: 848-53. doi:10.1038/s41558-021-01152-0. Chan, D., G. Vecchi, W. Yang, and P. Huybers. (2021) 2021. “Improved Simulation of 19th-and 20th-Century North Atlantic Hurricane Frequency After Correcting Historical Sea Surface Temperatures”. Science Advances 7. American Association for the Advancement of Science. doi:10.1126/sciadv.abg6931. Wang, C., B.J. Soden, W. Yang, and G. Vecchi. 2021. “Compensation Between Cloud Feedback and Aerosol-Cloud Interaction in CMIP6 Models”. Geophysical Research Letters 48. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. doi:10.1029/2020GL091024. 2020 Camargo, S.J., C.F. Giulivi, A.H. Sobel, A.A. Wing, D. Kim, Y. Moon, J.D.O. Strong, et al. (2020) 2020. “Characteristics of Model Tropical Cyclone Climatology and the Large-Scale Environment”. Journal of Climate 33. American Meteorological Society: 4463-87. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0500.1. Baker, R.E., S.W. Park, W. Yang, G. Vecchi, Jessica E. Metcalf, and B.T. Grenfell. (2020) 2020. “The Impact of COVID-19 Nonpharmaceutical Interventions on the Future Dynamics of Endemic Infections”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117. National Academy of Sciences: 30547-53. doi:10.1073/pnas.2013182117. Hsieh, T.-L., G. Vecchi, W. Yang, I.M. Held, and S.T. Garner. (2020) 2020. “Large-Scale Control on the Frequency of Tropical Cyclones and Seeds: A Consistent Relationship across a Hierarchy of Global Atmospheric Models”. Climate Dynamics 55. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH: 3177-96. doi:10.1007/s00382-020-05446-5. Villarini, G., W. Zhang, F. Quintero, W.F. Krajewski, and G. Vecchi. (2020) 2020. “Attribution of the Impacts of the 2008 Flooding in Cedar Rapids (Iowa) to Anthropogenic Forcing”. Environmental Research Letters 15. IOP Publishing Ltd. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/abc5e5. Ross, A.C., C.A. Stock, K. Dixon, M.A.M. Friedrichs, R.R. Hood, M. Li, K. Pegion, V. Saba, and G. Vecchi. (2020) 2020. “Estuarine Forecasts at Daily Weather to Subseasonal Time Scales”. Earth and Space Science 7. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. doi:10.1029/2020EA001179. Jacobson, T.W.P., W. Yang, G. Vecchi, and L.W. Horowitz. 2020. “Impact of Volcanic Aerosol Hemispheric Symmetry on Sahel Rainfall”. Climate Dynamics 55. Springer: 1733-58. doi:10.1007/s00382-020-05347-7. Zhang, W., G. Villarini, and G. Vecchi. (2020) 2020. “The East Asian Subtropical Jet Stream and Atlantic Tropical Cyclones”. Geophysical Research Letters 47. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. doi:10.1029/2020GL088851. Baker, R.E., W. Yang, G. Vecchi, C.J.E. Metcalf, and B.T. Grenfell. (2020) 2020. “Susceptible Supply Limits the Role of Climate in the Early SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic”. Science 369. American Association for the Advancement of Science: 315-19. doi:10.1126/science.abc2535. Wagner, C.E., M. Hooshyar, R.E. Baker, W. Yang, N. Arinaminpathy, G. Vecchi, C.J.E. Metcalf, A. Porporato, and B.T. Grenfell. (2020) 2020. “Climatological, Virological and Sociological Drivers of Current and Projected Dengue Fever Outbreak Dynamics in Sri Lanka”. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 17. Royal Society Publishing. doi:10.1098/rsif.2020.0075. Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Next page Next › Last page Last »