Group Mission The goals of the Vecchi Research Group in the Department of Geosciences and Princeton Environmental Institute at Princeton University are to: 1) develop understanding about the character of, mechanisms behind, and impacts of past and future changes to the oceans and atmosphere, and 2) teach people about both the workings of the ocean and atmosphere, as well as how to generate new understanding through scientific research. Topics that we study include: tropical climate and circulation, the El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomenon, monsoon dynamics, variations and changes in tropical cyclones, the controls on rainfall and heat waves, the character and mechanisms of the global response to changing greenhouse gases and volcanic eruptions, and the climate-disease connection. Approach We use a combination of numerical modeling, theory and observational data analysis to understand climate and its impacts. In order to effectively pursue our research and educational goals we are committed to striving for excellence, building our knowledge and tools, allowing space for creativity and inspiration, questioning our assumptions and preconceptions, working cooperatively, treating people with respect, encouraging discussions and disagreeing constructively, and adhering to the highest standards of scientific and academic ethics. Statement on Diversity, Inclusion and Equity We believe that equity, diversity and inclusion are intrinsically valuable, and an essential element of ethical research and educational practices. We also understand that they magnify the educational and research potential of us as individuals, our research group, the University and our global scientific disciplines. We seek and appreciate contributions from all members of our community, without regard to race, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, physical ability, age, socioeconomic status or nationality. We desire and celebrate diversity, and we know that a more diverse and inclusive community is stronger and more capable of producing fundamental scientific advances and effectively communicating them.